In any walk of life, you can learn much from others through teachings, but there's a level you will be unable to understand unless your stepping out and actually working in that particular field. This is extremely true in ministry especially.
Since I have been ministering deliverance, I have learned quite a bit about how the enemy operates. I have learned things that I once thought were conspiracy theories from "those types" of people who always talk about the Illuminati and different undercover conspiring organizations. But ever since I got into the deliverance ministry and actually saw the prevalence of demonic activity in our world and in the stealing, killing, and destroying of peoples lives, my eyes have truly stretched beyond what I once believed.
It all began one time when I was talking to a fellow deliverance minister on the phone one day about how I wondered if vaccines carried demons because of all the supposed disorders they have been known to carry. In the beginning of learning about what some people said about vaccines I chalked it up as coincidence, but story after story of the exact same types of disorders were evolving from those who took the vaccine and immediately developed these rare, but specifically associated symptoms. In our conversation we also talked about blood transfusions and how demons could possibly be transferred by taking someone else's blood. Now, these thoughts didn't start arriving until I had begun praying for so many people and the similarities in their stories were so revealing yet commonly pointing to medicine. I ministered to one woman who wanted prayer for her children, 2 of 3 were experiencing retarded sensory development. As I began to investigate her ancestry because many things are generationally passed down through what is known as the spiritual curse or infiltration of satan into our bloodline, she told me her mother was deaf. I asked if she had been deaf from birth, she told me "no, she had taken this medication that was known to cause deafness and retardation as a side effect". I immediately saw the coincidence here and thought, "if this woman took this medication and it possibly had a demonic attachment to it, you can clearly see how this spirit is still in operation today. Now I had been leaning into this theory, but was not completely convinced of this as of yet because one of the things God truly has me specializing in is to "test all things". I really like to make sure that I allow God to confirm theories and speculations before I accept them as truth. Well, as I was speaking to this minister, she mentioned she had had a blood transfusion and wondered if anything was there. I began to pray for her and she immediately manifested a demon when I commanded anything that came in from blood transfusion to come out. I commanded the demon to tell me its name, which it did. Then I commanded this thing to come out of her and she immediately vomited profusely into her trashcan in her office at work. Again, I still wasn't convinced and wanted more clarity because this was a VERY LARGE exposure and needed substantial evidence in order to come out with something like this. So I continued to tell God He would have to confirm or deny these theories I was developing because of where He was leading me. Then I got a call about a woman who was experiencing demonic sexual attacks in the middle of the day and at night. She literally had to learn how to sleep with her legs crossed because the demons would literally pry her legs open at night and bite her in different areas (Nobody would be able to understand this unless they actually went through it). When I began to talk to this woman about all the other things she experiences in life that is "not God's portion for her" as the term I use, inviting her to disclose sicknesses, personality disorders, etc, she began to tell me she has a condition called "RSD", Reflexsympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a clinical syndrome of variable course and unknown cause characterized by pain, swelling,and vasomotor dysfunction of an extremity.
Now I have a book called "Demon Name Book" by Don Dickerman, that I do not recommend anyone buy unless they are in full time deliverance ministry and actually go after names of demons in their deliverance method. I looked this disease up in this book and it clearly said this disease is caused by 2 named demons that they have encountered in their 30 years deliverance experience and the open door is anesthesia. I read this to her and she said "uh huh". I asked her if she had ever had anesthesia and she said "yes, 2 years ago when I had my gallbladder taken out". I asked her how long she had been experiencing this condition of RSD. She said "right after my gallbladder surgery". Then I asked her how long shes been experiencing these demonic sexual encounters. She replied "The same time". As I began to command these demons to come out of her she began to manifest and go through deliverance. Now I had heard about people getting demons from anesthesia and medications in my studies of other deliverance ministers, but NEVER had a second thought about it because I thought it was just too far fetched. But ever since I've been doing deliverance ministry and not only seen the commonality of demonically oppressed people, I've also ministered to survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse, former Satanists, and former witches and the descendants thereof and have seen the demonic attachments and more importantly have learned the secret curse casting that is done in very high places such as in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The root word for Pharmacy is Pharmakeia which is defined as "the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it". We have to remember that the Bible says that Satan is the god of this world and there are so many faculties that are influenced by satan in this world that we are not even aware of, mostly unless we get involved in hands on experience of the battle between good and evil relating to deliverance. We have structures and organizations all throughout this fallen world that are primarily demonically influenced. My primary goal in this ministry is to gain more insight into the ways these doors are opened so as to educate the people so they can be prevented from opening, to renounce any open doors, and also keep them shut once they are closed. I want to further add that if you are in need of surgery and anesthesia, I AM NOT SAYING do not use it. I am simply saying that by the authority you have in Christ, command that any unclean attachments in that (or any other) medication can not come near you. I could see the similarity of testimonies and knew it was pretty clear demonic activity was coming in from medication and the like, but wasn't sure what the open door was. I had three theories. 1) The medicine was cursed by the person making it. 2) the person making it was inspired by a demon that influenced the mixture of chemicals which produced the medication thereby giving the demon some sort of right to its influenced product 3) Or the fact that some ministers believed it was the state of mind a person was in during the anesthesia process that opened the door to the demonic. But I was more apt to throw out option three, because if it was the state of mind or surrender the person body was in, they would contact any old demon and not necessarily one that caused the same symptoms or have the same functions (ie: RSD). So when I went to Ellel Ministries yesterday which is a Deliverance and Healing Ministry which is in 26 countries worldwide I asked two staff members if they have ever heard of demons coming in through anesthesia. One minister replied immediately. "Yes". I asked what is the open door for that demon to enter. They replied "The curse that is placed on the medication at the time of manufacturing. I literally was jumping inside because others in my field had seen this very same thing and had been led to the exact same place. Now, if you read "He Came to Set the Captives Freeby Rebecca Brown" you will learn a story of one of the highest ranked witches in America who was deployed to take out this Doctor who was praying over the hospital that officially belonged to Satanic organizations, and how this witch turned her life over to Jesus Christ because this Christian Doctor was untouchable and the witch saw a Greater Power in Jesus. I have not read this book, but only read excerpts out of it that speak about what I just told you, but it reveals secret operations that these demonic societies utilize. There are literal demonic organizations that have places in high levels of governmental, economical, medical, and other business fields that are attempting to pollute our world with deception because they themselves are deceived. It is my firm belief that vaccines carry demons and this is why these things have such common similarities in their rare, but extremely life altering side effects. I do not know what causes only some to be effected. Bob Larson, whom I do not agree with totally about many things because I think he leaves demons in people, does make a very objective point when he says he believes dormant curse can be reacted by certain things. I do not know the entire science of it, but one thing I do know is with intercessors having this information, we could really go to town against these tactics. With patients having this information, we rally could pray against the spiritual connections of things coming into our bodies. With affected or infected people having this information, they can see the truth that will set them free and get help. If you have had any vaccines, blood transfusions, medications or the like that may have affected you, please sign up for prayer to make sure theres nothing there that is dormant, or affecting you currently. Or simply renounce anything that came in through these types of things and command anything attached to them to come out in Jesus name.
My son Branton short
Posted by: Emily Short | 12/04/2023 at 10:18 PM