When I first started Youngevity my focus was on my left hip because it was giving me the most problems (and it still is, but it has improved enormously). However, nutrition doesn't focus on one body part like allopathic medicine.
Recently I've noticed more improvement in the lightness and flexibility in my arms. I can now easily do I child's monkey impersonation, bringing my left arm to my left armpit and my right to my right. When I dry my hair, I can easily reach up with both arms. Furthermore, I can lean my head back and feel wonderful flexibility in my back and shoulders.
I'm also walking a bit quicker than I was 10 weeks ago. I know this because the walk home from the station involves crossing two roads. You have to wait for the lights by the first road, and if you're not fast enough, you have to wait again at the second road. It used to be a challenge to walk across both roads on one light change. Now it's easy.