Twice a year, I spend a couple of days preparing the end of semester paperwork. Doing so this time has highlighted 2 health improvements.
- For years, to lean over a desk, I’ve had to perch on the end of the chair. This is because I can’t reduce the angle between my left thigh and my body beyond a certain point. At some point yesterday, I suddenly realized I was sitting right back in the chair with the chair pulled into the desk, and I was still able to lean over and write. (The range of movement in my left hip is still limited, but it’s obviously improved. It’s more of a muscle problem than a joint problem.)
- For years (probably decades) turning my head back and forth to copy written material from one sheet to another caused my neck to GRIND as if it had gravel in it. It used to drive me crazy. It’s now (virtually) resolved.
(P.S. I’m currently checking foods to see if more food allergies have resolved. I’ve eaten tomatoes for the past 3 days and had no adverse reaction. I’m hoping I can them to my growing list of safe foods.)