The changes in my appearance have not been the most important aspects of my health transformation in the past seven years. However, it's cosmetic differences that get people's attention, so I intend to chronicle them here.

This photo was taken when I was still in the hands of the allopathic medical industry. I was 51 but looked (and felt) 70.
Change started when I had 13 mercury amalgam fillings removed from my teeth.

I was able to put on weight, and no longer looked like a skeleton with skin stretched over it. (This photo was professionally taken for work, and I expect it was touched up. My skin probably wasn't THAT good, but it had certainly improved considerably.)
[None cosmetic changes: My eyesight, hearing, brain power and gut all improved significantly.]
Then I discovered Youngevity. (The diet and nutrition programme developed by Dr Joel Wallach.)

My face (cheek, jaw, and chin bones) regrew.

And my hair came back.
[None cosmetic changes: I was bent over, could barely walk, it was taking me 5 minutes to get out of a chair, and I was in pain 24/7. I'm now standing straight, walking 95% better and I'm pain free.]
Life was much better, but I still couldn't sleep through the night. I felt if I could only solve that problem, I would be Superwoman. My holistic dentist said he could help and showed me evidence that my airway was very narrow and he would help widen it. I asked if the treatment was painful. He said not at all. So I decided to try it.

These are before and after photos one month into the treatment (it could take up to a year). As you can see, my eyes, nose, and mouth have centralised. My skin has tightened and my shoulders are level.
In the last few days, I've felt the shape of my mouth change, and the pressure on my sticking out front teeth has been released, so I'm expecting more cosmetic changes. (Don't ask me to explain how the treatment works. I've no idea. My dentist says it's quantum medicine rather than Newtonian. Work that out!)
What Youngevity and the dentist's treatment have in common seems to be epigenetics. They both rely on the body's ability to heal itself.
What I haven't done in the last 7 years is been to an MD, taken drugs, or had surgery.