I feel like I’ve been in a spiritual battle over my health for my entire life. Now at 63, I’m fitter and healthier than I’ve ever been. This comes at a time when the whole world is in the grip of Big Pharma. There must be a reason God has preserved my life and health all these years. I’m just not sure what it is.
Here’s a very brief account of my story.
I was born into death. My mother had lost both parents and a still-born child in the year before I was born. My parents were told I might not live. I was given a blood-change transfusion the day after I was born due to rhesus incompatibility. However, my blood group is O negative. A blood-change transfusion on a newborn was an innovative procedure in 1959. I went into shock during the operation and they had to abort.
I became a very sickly, fragile, shy, and fretful child. I remained frail and weak as I grew into adulthood. At this point, I believed what I was brought up to believe — good and bad health was just a question of luck and our only recourse was to visit an MD for drugs and/or surgery.
At the age of 23, I had a little boy, Timmy, by emergency caesarean. He was severely handicapped and died just before his tenth birthday. Those ten years were traumatic and left me exhausted. At one point, I tried to commit suicide through an overdose. I should have died right there and then, but the Lord had other plans.
In 1992, I discovered I was gluten intolerant. Changing my diet gave me a new but temporary lease of life. I functioned a little better over the next few years.
Then on 8th November 2009, my view of the world was turned upside down. Somebody asked me why Timmy had been born handicapped. I gave the answer the doctors had given me — we just drew the short straw. But the question prompted me to remember the injection of aminophylline I was given two weeks before the pregnancy went wrong. I searched the internet and found lawsuits against the manufacturers for causing brain damage in neonates.
Why had no doctor ever told me that aminophylline could have caused my son’s handicap? I spent the next few years researching the natural and spiritual roots of modern medicine. I also started discovering the power of natural medicine and to realise that all alternatives to drugs and surgery had been suppressed.
Then in 2012, my health crashed. I had never been physically agile, but now I got to the point I could barely walk. I was bent over to the left and couldn’t straighten up. I was in pain 24/7 and wanted to die. I was 53 and didn’t expect to make it to 60.
I went back to my Bible. I’d been a Christian for 36 years, but I realised I didn’t understand what the Bible said about health. I saw how our health is a spiritual battle ground. I listened to Derek Prince and learned how to cast out demons.
Then the first of two health ‘miracles’ happened. I got on a diet and nutrition programme (through Youngevity) and within six months I was standing straight, I was substantially out of pain, and I was walking a bit better.
I made steady progress over the next few years. During this time, my health journey seemed personal to me. But then 2020 arrived, and suddenly all the issues I’d been grappling with for the last few years became relevant to the entire world.
We were told there was a deadly virus out there, and the only thing we could do was to hide in our houses until science became our saviour and produced a wonderful new kind of vaccine.
At the time, I was living in South Korea where I had been for over 20 years. For the first few weeks, I took the threat seriously. I even bought N95 masks. But soon I started checking the UK government’s pronouncements against their own statistics. The two didn’t match at all. There was an agenda here, and it wasn’t just about health.
I had already become very sceptical and cautious about vaccines. The idea of injecting the whole world with an untested, experimental, gene-modifying technology horrified me, and it didn’t take much research to find out my reservations were valid.
Then in August 2020, I returned to the UK after 20 years in Korea. What a shock! Not only was I isolated by reverse culture shock and the Covid restrictions, but I was the only person around who hadn’t lived through the first lockdown. I soon found I had a totally different understanding of the ‘plandemic’ than those around me. And it seemed to me (and I apologise if any of my new friends in the UK ever read this) that everybody had forgotten how to think. I could quote chapter and verse on the relevant science, but the only response I got was, “Well, I’m getting the vaccine anyway.”
At this point, I had a dream:
I was waiting to get on a boat with a crowd of other people. There was a building between us and the sea. I was one of the first people to be called forward to board the boat. I walked around the building using my walking stick. When I saw the sea, I noticed several waves rising up and falling away (about five of them). However, these were not natural waves. They had different coloured panels on them in oranges and blues. They also rose and fell suddenly in a very unnatural way. There was no build up or natural decline. When I got around the building, I saw a passenger who had been called ahead of me being shot in the head with a gun. I hurried back around the building (BTW I couldn’t run in 2020. I can now.) and told all the waiting passengers that it was a trap and to run. They believed me and ran.
When I woke up, I tried to make sense of the dream. The waves seemed obvious to me. It was clear from the data that the so-called ‘waves’ of Covid were not totally natural. I assumed the shot to the head was the injection, but at the time I thought the representation was a bit over dramatic. (I don’t think that now. I think it was a very appropriate illustration.) I asked the Lord why I had had that dream. He said that I needed to know that people would listen to me about the injections. (Though actually, the majority of people have not listened to me yet.)
During my first few months in the UK, I desperately tried to warn everybody who would listen about the injections and I was in torment at the level of deception around me. At first, I felt a responsibility because I thought if I don’t tell people, they’re not going to know. But then the truth became evident to anybody who was willing to look. On the first day of the injection roll out in the UK, two nurses collapsed with anaphylactic shock. Then the death rate in ‘care homes’ shot up just after the introduction of the injections. Then athletes started collapsing on the field. Then we started hearing stories of strange aggressive cancers coming from nowhere. Now we’re hearing of relatively young people dropping dead for no apparent reason (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome!). Recently, even the BBC has had to report that the rate of emergency ambulance call outs is at an all time high, and we currently have about 1,000 excess deaths a week in the UK compared to the 5-year average (and they’re not Covid deaths).
At this point, the truth is there for anybody with eyes to see.
To finish my health story and bring it up-to-date, in February 2022 I was introduced to stem cell activation patches and my second health ‘miracle’ occurred. Within three days of starting them, I could run for the first time in 12 years. Within three weeks, I could work out for the first time in my life.
Here I am at 63. My whole life has been about battling health issues, and by the grace of God, I’ve come out victorious. I’m not only alive against all the odds, but I’m running, working out, and dancing.
So, what does the Lord want me to do now? I have a unique life experience. I have my own understanding of the spiritual and physical causes of disease and how to be healthy. I’m living in a time when the whole world is in the grip of Pharmakeia. What do I do with my experience and knowledge?
Dear Lord, please show me.
For a novel based on my own health journey up to the first ‘miracle’ see: I’m Sorry, Oliver
For a novel in which I attempt to show the spiritual roots of modern medicine see: An Untimely Birth
For a short ebook chronicling my health recovery see: I could barely walk. Now I can run.
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